Livestream Chat Guidelines
While the contents are created by Onaixia (hereinafter to be referred to as “ONXA”, “We”, “Us”, or “Our” as the case may be) and its VTuber ( JoqniX ) has established these guidelines (hereinafter to be referred to as “livechat guidelines”) for fans / viewers who would like to interact with the livestreams and other forms of live content! so everyone may have the peace of mind to be able to enjoy our content in as many different forms as possible.
If you are seen in breaking any of the guidelines, Moderators will deem to take action against the rulebreakers!
Our Requests
Please comply with the following guidelines regarding Livestream Chats!
Everyone is welcome in our community and shall be treated with respect. We treat everyone as a family
Do not doxx me if you know me in real life, this includes disclosing my full name, where I live, etc. Pretty Please do Respect privacy! & No asking personal Questions!
Don't troll me or others in the chat or discuss hot or sensitive topics/politics.
No fighting. Debate & discussions are fine.
Messages deemed inappropriate will be timed out or banned
Be respectful & Civil! please don't say anything racist/homophobic/transphobic etc in the chat!
No mentioning sub-counts or viewer numbers unless I already brought up the topic.
During streams keep the chat focused on what's going on in the stream. Take personal conversations to DMs, use discord livechat #joqlive-chat or Twitter live threads #joqlive and don't @ other people in chat as it's distracting and makes some uncomfortable.
No Emote spam. Emotes should only make up part of a comment's text. The only exception to this is pre/post chat and big moments like Wotagei /cheering during Special Live events etc are okay! or if I ask for an emote in chat. Even then only send 3-4 emotes per chat.
Feel free to speak any language you want in the stream I might need to consult Google sensei tho! but follow all other chat rules no matter what language it's in. Be respectful to others using another language. As long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of the stream it's OK!
Please avoid ONE-MAN spamming! , spam in full caps & or sharing of private information! Don't acknowledge spammers or bots in chat. Just silently report and move on.
No telling me what to do/backseating. Same goes for hints/speculating. The only exception to this rule is if I say something akin to "backseating allowed" or "okay, please help me chat". Me thinking out loud, saying something like "hmm, what do I do here" is not an invitation to give me the answer or a hint.
No Trauma Dumping in chat! I am not a therapist and you shouldn't rely on me for validation or consultation. I may however read or talk some parts aloud if I want to broach the subject. Do remember that im bad with conveying my words! You can always ask me not to talk bout it! If you are in need, you may seek professional help here:
Be Excellent to each other and joqnix! Remember basic Vtuber Etiquette.
Don't forget to be shining glowing star 🌟 & keep on being you! ♪(^∇^*)
Beyond that, let me and the mods deal with issues in chat. One rule break will get you a time out. We will ban if we see your name coming up multiple times. If someone has been overly rude or antagonistic in a single message, I have in the past and will in the future, skip straight to a ban at my own discretion.
Additional Notes
Please let the moderators or joqnix know if there are any stream technical difficulties.
We do not relinquish our copyright or related rights through these overall guidelines. We maintain these rights.
We make no guarantees in regards to the use of our content or related derivative works, including any actions that may violate a third party’s rights.
These livechat guidelines are subject to change without notice. Please ensure that you follow the latest version of these guidelines at all times.
Last Updated